Monday 22 September 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hola familia!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUINNY!!! Freak can't believe he's 7!!! So crazy!!!! Thanks for sending like 5 million pictures!! Made my life. I felt like such a dork sitting in the cyber and laughing so hard. Ugh. But they killed me. Those wacky wednesday pictures. Ohhhh love it!!

Anyway this week was super good! Marisole, Aldana, and Matias, and her 2 other babies came to church!! We stopped by to walk with them!!! It was super amazing to see their whole family sitting through all the church meetings!! It was the first time Matias came to church and he said he liked it a lot! Aldana has her 3 assistancias so we're hoping she'll take the leap of faith and choose to get baptized this Saturday. She gotten a little scared and doesn't like the modesty commandment. So things have been a little rough. But we're just gonna work with her super hard this week to help her. 

Also we had entrevistas this week. So that was good. It's always good to get to talk with the president. I never know what to say, but once you're in there he just says the perfect words and things you need to hear. It's cool!!! 

Also Jose, our mission leader accompanied us one day. It was super good, he's awesome. Super funny. Haha also he only has 1 eye, and he can't see out of it really well so when we were walking he had his hand on my shoulder so I could guide him. haha 

Oh yesterday we had dinner at the Valenzuelas house. They live like at the end of the world, so we have to take the collectivo. It only passes buy about every 2 hours. When we were finished dinner and heading home we got on and quickly realized we forgot an important paper, so we got off, and had to wait another 2 hours for the next collectivo. Nothing like a 7 hour lunch. Whoops, but she made lemon pie haha so we weren't too upset. 

Oh and this week we did entercambios. Where I was with Hermana Inga, my old companion. It was super good, but didn't end very good. Haha, I'm so mad at her. When we were finished for the day, she basically interviewed me. Idk, she likes to control the feelings of other people and I'm not good at talking about my feelings. Everyone knows that. So ya it ended kinda in an argument and we haven't really talked this week. But it's all good, we'll figure things out.

Idk, that's about my week. It was super good, we did lots of stuff. Just working on trying to help Aldana and their family. My companion and I are still trying to get along. It's super awkward, but we're working on it! =)

Love you guys so much. Thanks for everything you do for me! Love, love, love you!!

Hermana Miller

My pension. It's nice, eh?!

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