Friday 24 January 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

HOLA FAMIILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man I can't believe it's been a week already! Seriously feels like I just e-mailed you guys! This week was good! Started off really rough though. Pday has its ups and downs because you're so stoked for like the one hour you get to e-mail. Then the rest of the day is like poopy cause you get so sad, but I do love pdays. Going to the temple is like the highlight of my week and I did it in english today which was amazing. I was going mental when we had to listen to it in spanish, because they put us in rooms where it didn't have the English translation, but today we did! It was so good, I was like oh ya that's what that is. Haha I actually understood and the workers there are amazing. A couple there is from Mesa, Arizona and she's Cheryl Harker's aunt! So that was cool! She's a sweetheart! And the cute old ladies that speak no English, one got so happy when she saw me walk in! Gave me the biggest wave it was so cute! And all the other sisters are like amazing. You greet them by hugging and kissing on the cheek. It's so fun! lol

Call me crazy but I miss the snow! Like a lot! I was outside during my physical activity yesterday and seriously my whole shirt was wet from sweat. K, not really but like so sweaty. Anyway, it's really hot. The computer lab doesn't have air conditioning and I'm dying just typing this e-mail.

I got grandma and grandpas letter on the 18th! So it was 10 days after they had sent it! I was so shocked at how quickly it got to me! I love getting letters!! Seriously makes my life! I've gotten 3! Tyler sent me one! It was the best! It was 3 pages and I was like you're my favourite! It's cool how much we have in common being in the same city. It blows my mind!!!! Karl also sent me one in December. I got it my first week I was here! Definitely helped a ton! So feel free to send me letters everyday of your life! Haha but actually!

I love my roommates they're sweethearts! One is actually from Neuquén and she asked me to mail a letter to her family and another is from Peru. We try to communicate and I try to have the patience to learn and she teaches me when I pronounce things wrong! It's good! So the past few days have been some of the best few days, just because I decided I needed to change my attitude. I seriously have felt the blessings from making the change!

Yesterday was awesome! Our new mission president got here!!! I love them! They're like so nice! Total sweethearts! They had to have an emergency landing in Uruguay because there was this crazy storm yesterday. Man when it rains here it rains, like tons! But the storm ripped off the front of one wing and blew it into the engine! Like bad right. So they had an emergency landing and got here yesterday morning. They were meant to get here! The blessing that they received to be safe. Like wow. I love them!!  There will be 14 new North Americans coming in next Thursday! Man are they in for a treat! Haha I'm excited to meet them. But I remember my first day being here. Travelling by myself and a group of like 16 had all come together and I legit was terrified. I wanted to go home so bad within like the first 2 hours of just being here.

I love it here though. Sometimes. Haha.  Laundry mom isn't that bad. You wash your whites then you wash your darks. 2 loads. And you wash it with your companion and you get your whites mixed up because you wear the same size and the same kind haha but were figuring it out. Also you have to wash the whites in mesh bags or else the washer will tear them up. It's crazy and no you don't have to buy the soap. They just have it on the wall. Idk how to explain it maybe I'll send you a pic or something. Its' super simple. haha idk if I've ever had so many clean clothes at once ;) jk jk jk I love you. But I do miss the smell of my laundry a lot! Like a lot!

I miss you all! I really am learning. It's hard but I'm grateful for it and the experience. Language sucks. I feel like I'm not learning anything, but it'll take time. I love you all so much and miss the crap out of you!

love love love!!!!!!
love hermana miller!

p.s. Can you mail me some more pictures!  Love you guys to the moon and back! Thanks for your e-mails! I print them off and read them all the time! Even if I don't reply to most of the e-mails, like from others, I do read them and I love them! Thank you everyone! te amo!!!

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