Thursday 9 January 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

hey everyone!!!!
This is crazy. I cannot believe I've been out here for a week already. Also excuse my terrible spelling. I can't find the capitalizing button or the apostrophe haha so bear with me. I told my mom to edit this before posting.
The CCM (MTC) is awesome. The food is so delicious. A lot of the Hermanas complain about it because it's SOOO much meat. But I eat like all the food. Like all of it and its a lot lot lot of food!!!! Like a lot. One day we got 2 pieces of pork the size of our palms and then they asked if we wanted a sausage too. That's our food, a plate of meat. But then there is a salad bar, but I don't like it a whole lot cause the salad dressing is really gross. All the vegetables are cold and there's no butter. The Latinos here put lemon juice and oil on everything. There's containers of that on every table. Haven't tried it yet. It's weird.
My companion is sweet! She's from Utah! Really, really nice! I have 5 roomates including my companion and the other 4 are Latinos. straight up! It's crazy. We could not communicate for like the first 2 days at all. You should have seen them trying to explain they were gonna set the alarm for 5:30. It was humiliating. They were like hitting their heads with their water bottles and like shaking the alarm and making a ring noise. hahhahahaha terrible. buttttt I love them to bits. We can communicate now and it's awesome.  I never thought I would care so much for people in the CCM. I love them. We're crazy. Even though we can't communicate a whole lot. We sure have a way of showing we love each other. 2 are from Lima, Peru and I told them mi padre served a mission in Lima, Peru. haha but the one knows english pretty good! So we can communicate well. The other 2 are from Brazil and they're adorable. We get along so well. Not kidding. I'll miss them. All the Latinos leave on Tuesday which will be sad. I love the Latinos. I'm really warming up to them. Every physical activity I'm out there playing futbol (soccer) or basketball. They're like so shocked that I play. It's fun.
What else. I traveled on the plane by myself which was kinda nice because I had 2 seats to myself. So I just sprawled out and legit slept from like 10 or 11 till 7. It was awesome. Like straight through breakfast. There was like 16 missionaries that all travelled together from Georgia or something. So I was the lone wolf. It was scary getting off the plane. The lady asked, how long is your vacation and I'm like a year and a half?? I didn't think she would let me in. It was terrifying.
It's sooooo hot here. We get to wear jeans today and it's so weird. I'm like what are these, lol. Skirts and dresses are so annoying after a while. And the classes holyyyyy, I want to die sometimes. hahahaha They're so long and so hard to follow because legit the teachers speak in spanish. I'm so immersed in spanish its actually crazy. I'm learning fast though! I mean I can have a conversation with a lot of Latinos now. I can bear my testimony in spanish kinda and pray in spanish. Like the basics you know. But teaching the lessons are so difficult hahahahahahaha it's nuts. They want it in spanish and I can barely do it in english. I'm like dying. lol It's terrible but my companion is really good at following up and attempting to do well!!!
I wanted to share an amazing experience quick. Like amazing. We went to the temple this morning at like 8 am. Crazy and not gonna lie I had trouble staying awake for the session. And it was in spanish which was also fustrating, but I've never had a more amazing experience than when I got into the celestial room. Most beautiful room I can ever imagine. As I sat in the room I felt Jordens presence so strong. I felt like she was standing right beside me. I just bawled in the room. I knew that she was there. And it was exactly what I needed today because I have been feeling so lonely and sad and to know that she was there for me was amazing. Like amazing. I can't even explain how amazing it was. I didn't see her or anything but I knew that she was there and I knew that she loved me and was there for me. The Lord definitely knew that was what I needed today. And I'm so grateful I got to experience that. I'm bawling at the computer as I type. But it was incredible. I truly love her and am so grateful she could show that love to me especially after such a tough week.
I love you all and pray for you! I hope everyone is doing good back home!!!!! SHOUT OUT TO JAYMI!!! HOPE YOU HAD AN AMAZING BIRTHDAY!!! AND I'M SO HAPPY YOU WENT TO YOUNG WOMENS CAMP!!! Shout OUT TO GMA MILLER BECAUSE MASTER KEY HAS BEEN MY BEST FRIEND. I probably have 60 bite marks on each of my arms. From like my shoulder to my finger tips and some on my face.  We thought they were mosquitos but the worker here said it was flees :/ (awkward face) . Also I jammed my finger playing ball so thanks again to master key. And my ears are like infected. So ya master key again. And now basically the bites are gone and my companions bites are massive and swollen. So it works, master key is my bff. Also Keat you'd be proud of how much ball I'm playing. I'll be a pro when I get home. I hope Dray is treating my room well. And I hope Quin and Bry are being good boys to mom. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! TE AMO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey nice blog hermana Miller estuve casi llorando en aglunas partes y riendo en otras. You are in our thoughts and oraciónes. Thank you for the great example you are to me and my familia, everything is good back here in Brooks so I wont bore you with any of that so get out there and have more amazing moments. Como nos decimos en Chile 'que le vaya bien' ---- con amor de su tío, Randa y familia
