Thursday 30 January 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hey hey hey hey!!!!!!!
What is up!!!!!?????
Can you guys believe that I've been out here for a month in like 2 days. I can't. It blows my mind. Makes me kinda happy though haha I hope the next 17 months go that fast. jk jk. I say that now but I'm sure I won't when it comes time to leave Argentina and head home. But ya it has gone by so fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So today we get like 51 new missionaries! It has just been 21 of us for the past 2 days and it's so boss. I'm bffs with everyone here. Now we'll have some new North Americans, more competition. Haha jk but not really. There is another Hermana Miller, so that's weird. 
So proselyting on Saturday was so bombb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you about it! I got a contact!!! Yep that's right. haha So that day all the sisters met up and we ate lunch together in this ghetto park and stuff, but it was so fun. I seriously love the sisters here and I'm gonna miss them more than life! We walked around and got some ice cream. The ice cream here is so delicious. Then as we were walking we passed an auto place and the workers started asking us questions and I was so frustrated that I couldn't understand, so I was just laughing it off. But then my companion took control and was showing them pamphlets and asking them questions.  So I stopped laughing and was trying to communicate as well. We ended up giving them some pamphlets and stuff, but when we left I was so mad at myself because I felt like an awful missionary. I was totally beating myself up because I should have taken it more seriously. So I said a prayer and asked to be able to have a missionary experience. I was so set on getting a contact. So were walking around and there was 6 of us sisters together and 3 of them stopped and started talking to a guy which made me more mad cause I'm like freak if they can do it so can I. So the other 3 of us turn the corner and there was a man sitting on the ground smoking.  I'm saying to myself, he's the one. So we walk up to him and say Hola cómo estás (Hello, how are you). I got too scared and kept walking, but then I turned around went up to him and said somos misioneras (We're missionaries). He jumped off the ground and said "Mormons"?  Si! Si! I was so stoked that he knew our religion. He was so happy, like kissing our cheeks and stuff. Which I'm sure isn't allowed in the missionary handbook, but he was so happy. I introduced the BOM and asked him if he was willing to read it. He said he was and so I gave him the book.  He was so shocked. It was cool. Just the feeling of actually doing missionary work brought so much happiness to me. I seriously was on cloud 9. So happy. Then I asked if he wanted to meet with the missionaries, and he said yes. So we got his name and his address. I was so happy that Heavenly Father allowed me the opportunity to do missionary work. I was so happy. I actually felt like a missionary. That night one of the sister missionaries who was with me said I spoke like perfect spanish. I didn't even notice. But I actually spoke to him in spanish and understood what he was saying. It was seriously amazing. I can't even explain how happy I was.
Also our ips this week were so awesome! We've been teaching 2 investigators. We've had so much trouble reaching out to them and having them feel the Spirit. We've asked them both if they want to be baptized, but they don't feel ready. So Hermana Cowley and I really needed to find a way to get them to feel the spirit. Through much prayer and scripture study we were able to reach out to them both. We had a testimony meeting with one of the investigators and taught her what a testimony is and if she would be willing to bear hers after we did. (ips are all in Spanish so super challenging). So I bore my testimony about everything we've taught her and talked about my appreciation for her and told her how much I loved her. So did Hermana Cowley and when she bore her testimony, there was seriously tears in my eyes. To see someone you've been teaching so diligently actually start to believe the things you teach are true. Wow, it was amazing. The Spirit was so strong. Then we asked her if she would be baptized and she said yes. You can't imagine how happy we were! With the other investigator he questioned why God has so many churches. If God was real, he should only have one. So we kinda summed up the restoration lesson and compared his question to Joseph Smith's question. It was amazing. I have memorized the first vision in Spanish so I quoted that in the lesson and you just saw his face change. He went from like yawning and not being to interested to like full on concern. I knew he felt the Spirit, his eyes focused in on the pictures we were showing him and I just knew that we reached him! It is amazing. He also committed to baptism.  I love missionary work. I can't wait to teach real investigators and have them feel the Spirit and have a desire to want this Gospel. It's awesome to have answers to your prayers and know that Heavenly Father does hear and answer you!!!
I'm doing really good out here. I think I'm gaining weight though. So that's fun! Haha, not. I hate it. Hermana Seemann and I, she's from Polson, MT we're like bffffs. I love her! We attempted to work out. Doing push ups and sit ups and stuff. But I've now come to just accept it. Haha jk, it's not as bad as I make it sound, but you do eat tons and then just sit in a desk for 8 hours. hahaha
The Spanish is coming along now. I actually feel like I'm getting somewhere. Oh, we taught another investigator last night, and Hermana Cowley asked me to be the senior companion for this one. Which really made me nervous, because in a lot of the lessons she does most of the talking. But for this lesson I took control and I was so proud of myself. Seriously, I did it ALL in Spanish. Well maybe not all but more than I've ever done! It was amazing! I'm so thankful for the spiritual experiences I was blessed with this week!!!! =))))
I love this Gospel and I know it is true more than anything. I love it. I love going to the temple here. I did in Spanish this time and was shocked at how much I was able to pick up on. The temple. Wow. Like wow. I love it. I love so many things right now but you guys should go to the temple as much as you can! Do it once a month like you did a couple years ago. Or twice a month, or even once a week hahaha I love it! Go for me because I only have one more time to go =(
I miss you guys back home! I hope everything is going well back in maggytown! Sending my love and kissing you all! xoxoxoxoxo

Love KENZ!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss being called Kenz btw.

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