Monday 10 March 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Wow. Today was crazy! Like seriously no time today. Hahahaha, I'm so stressed writing this email!! Because I wanna say so much but it feels like I have no time so bear with me.

So this week was crazy! We GOT ANOTHER FECHA! Jose has accepted a baptismal date of April 5th! What a blessing! He is awesome!

This week I attended a funeral. That was hard, because I hadn't been to a funeral since Jordens'. I really didn't wanna go, but we felt that we should attend because it is our investigators and meimbro inactivos daughters baby. She ended up having it premature, he lived for only 2 weeks. It was so different from a funeral back home. just this little little baby in a small wooden casket. The parents were distraught, but we got their contact information and the Elders are visiting them tomorrow. They don't have a big service just an open casket type deal. I remember sitting there and having memories rush back to me about Jorden. It was really hard, good thing I didn't wear make up that day because the tears just kept coming. As I was walking away with tears in my eyes, I remembered Aunt Tammy's email to me the first week I was in the CCM when she she wrote, I don't remember the exact words but "Jorden whispered to me, I'm serving a mission just like Makenzie" I don't know if it was just me being crazy, but I imagined her walking beside me, with a name tag on and everything. Biggest smile and telling me that everything is OK. That she is doing the Lords work. She seriously has reached out to me in the biggest times of need. What a blessing. I've been thinking about her a lot. Maybe because it's our birthday month, but I know that she is doing the Lords work and that there is life after death.

So yesterday I hated my life. I wanted to go home soooo much! Seriously did not want to be here. It happens a lot actually, lol, what a struggle the mission is. But then....the most crazy spiritual experience happened. We were waiting at the church to go to the hospital to visit a member who is really sick. They think he has cancer, but he doesn't  know. It's so sad. Anyway we went to the hospital and the hospital is so sad. Seriously, the living conditions here are crazy. We went and sang him hymnos and I was just overcome with the spirit. I started to get emotional, it was so sad, and he started to cry. Hermana Cares just sad on his bed and told him everything was going to be ok. Hermana Rainsdom (the sister from Utah and speaks English) she's awesome, she told me that him and his wife were saving up to be sealed in the temple. They were baptized in August. I thought what an amazing church we have, that he has so many people who love him and that they would come to visit him. I seriously think I saw 15 members visiting him. He is an amazing person. I now know what it is like when missionaries say I love the people so much. Because I may not know him or talk to him, well I have a few times, but I feel so much love for him. I want the best for him and his family. What an amazing example. I love this church so much. I love my mission.

Today I can honestly say that I love my mission. I feel like everything has taken a flip around. Seriously, I feel like I have taken a 180 degree turn and that everything is good. I've accepted that this is my life for a year and a half. I'm so determined to work my hardest and to share the gospel with the people of Argentina!

Also that night is when Jose accepted a baptismal date. The Lord definitely reached out to me yesterday and showed me that He loves me. I love the gospel! Love you guys so much! Hope you have an amazing week!

Love you xoxoxooxox
Hermana Miller

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