Monday 28 April 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ok you ready for this week! Haha, well we had our baptism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoa!!!!! It was so awesome and spiritual and amazing! as usual! Our ward actually had 3 baptisms!  So amazing! I love this gospel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this week we had interviews! With the president! It was really good! I bawled in my interview! President Lovell is seriously amazing! He said the perfect things and it was exactly what I needed!!!!

Funny experience this week! Ok so we went to this inactive members house, his name is Claudio. He's around 60 years old, he's really nice and is really progressing! He actually attended church yesterday! I like him! Anyway we went to his house and the member that was with us went to go knock on his door and we waited outside the house. His house is behind another house so we couldn't see anything, but time was going by and after 10 minutes Hermana Morales walked in. Claudio's face is covered in blood and his friend is there bawling. I'm thinking something bad happened like Claudio is dying or something right. I find out that his friend is drunk and was crying because he needs God. He's singing evangelic songs and still bawling. Waving his hand in my face and laughing. Hahahah it was so weird. He's said I look like his daughter. It was weird. Oh and Claudio fell asleep with a wound on his head that dripped down his face while he was sleeping. So ya it was weird, the spirit was not present haha even though we tried! 

Oh and this week all the missionaries have like 0 money. Haha it sucks! It's so expensive here! We live off of $80 a month, so 800 pesos. It's kinda funny. It's so hard to exchange my american money here too. I won't do it in a bank because they gip you so much! But there's a member here who I changed 100 dollars with so now I have lots of money for the week! haha

My companion went to Barijoche for the day to do visa stuff so I was with the Heremana leaders! It was fun! They're crazy! But I love them! The missionaries here are so bomb! I'm finally starting to open up and make friends. I'm so shy it's stupid. It's really hard for me to be myself, maybe because I can't even talk, but it's coming.

The other day we went to Chacras, the Fronterra and we had a lesson with a reference. I was sharing my testimony about how the gospel has blessed my family and he does like a T for timeout only 2 sentences in and he's like I don't understand anything she says. Well thank you. I did everything in my power not to bawl my face off in that moment! =( so rude

Also this week we had a FABULOUS lesson with this family whose baby had died. Remember when I told you we went to the funeral. Ya it's this family! We taught about the plan of salvation and I shared my story about Jorden in my broken Spanish. But the spirit was so strong, my companion was crying, I was almost crying, and after when the mom was talking she was crying. I think I was crying because I just want them to have the Gospel so much, because I know that it will change their lives. They kept saying how they don't understand anything. Why their baby died, they just didn't understand! We have all the answers! We have anther lesson with them this Saturday! I hope they feel the Spirit in their lives telling them this is the right thing for them! 

I have so much more to write, but I'm already over my time! Hope you guys liked the pictures! So happy you made it back home safe and sound dad and Keat! What an amazing experience! 

Hermana Miller!

Family Melo

Paloma Melo

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