Monday 26 January 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015


Things are so good here in Cultral Có! I'm really loving the area. The ward is so strong and so big. haha It was shocking to come from Chos Malal and to see so many people in the reunión sacramental. We are working really hard here. We have an investigadora de 8 anos. She has a fecha de bautismo for this 7 de Febrero. Her mom is inactive but they came to church together the other sunday. We're excited about the progress that she is making.  We only found her 2 weeks ago and I have faith she really will llegar a su fecha.

Hermana Bailey seriously is so amazing. She's such an amazing missionary. I'm learning so much from her. I love training actually even though the first week was a little hard, because I had no idea how to do 12 semanas, but we figured out a way that we can both work together and learn from it, so it's good! She's really progressing, not just with the idioma but spiritually too. She just has so much energy and I just feel like I've had a fresh start in the mission. Because really I'm kinda just so tired, and it's hard for me to get up in the morning but with her I'm like "Let's go! Today is a new day!". I'm loving it. it's so awesome and exactly what I needed at this time. To refocus and make the most of my mission. Someone to help give me the desire and example to just finish the mission with all my heart, might, mind and strength.

I'm doing so awesome! Just really enjoying every moment of the mission!!! =) Seriously, now I really feel like I am disfrutando de cada momento en la misión! Hermana Bailey is really exactly what I needed and I'm so grateful that I can lean from her this transfer!! =) 

This week was crazy. We went and contacted this one house and it ended up just being like the craziest old lady I've ever seen. First we get almost attacked by 10 dogs and the lady comes over and she's said "thank God they didn't bite you" and I'm thinking, "oh my gosh we're dead." Also she lives on top of this mountain so it's not like we could have ran away. Then she shows us around and there was a church on top and this little worshiping spot and she takes us there and makes us repeat her prayer, it was so crazy. Hermana Bailey is dying laughing and I'm trying to stay serious and repeat this ridiculous prayer. It was so crazy, went something like "please give these girls the joy I have in my life," Then she said "look at the sun" and we looked and she said "what do you see now". (cause we looked at it before) 
We said "it's brighter?" She said "there's colors - can't you see them?" We're like ugh ya.... She's just staring into the sun for like a minute and she says "oh God hasn't given you the joy yet." Then she shows us this temple. haha it's so crazy, there was this chair with a red blanket and she said "Jesus is sitting there right now."  Then she made us look at the sun again and Hermana Bailey stepped on this red carpet thing and the lady starts screaming. Hermana Bailey jumps and the lady is yelling "GIVE THEM THE JOY I HAVE LORD." It was so crazy. Then a thought came into my head. "Get out now."  So we left. 

So much happened this week but I'm out of time. 

Love you,
Hermana Miller

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