Monday 23 June 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014 - PLOTTIER


Ok Ok I don't know where to start. This week has been the longest week of my life. I feel like I have started the mission over again. But it's all good. I'm learning to love it. It's super hard, this area, has no investigators, no members, everyone is inactive. It's super hard but I'm determined to change that. 30 people in sacrament. 30. haha so small and yes mom I played the piano. I've decided it's probably what I'll be doing for the rest of my mission.

My companion is from Nicaragua, she's tight. I really like her. She has been out almost a year in the mission. She's been sick this week we didn't work the whole week. I freaking just want to work. haha

The mundial, man it's crazy here. Argentina won again and for like 2 hours after the game cars just drove around and honked. We were studying because there would be no people who would listen to us, obviously. But it was all good. Also I have a jersey from Argentina. 

Right now we're living with the Hermana Lideres in their pension. So there is 4 people in the pension and it's small and I study at the table and the table is in front of my closet and it's super annoying, but I think were changing pensions this week. Yay. 

Oh and also when I was going to Plottier, the taxi driver didn't know where to go and I was in the taxi alone, lost, without a cellphone for 1.5 hours. It was so ridiculous. When he filled up with gas I had to get out of the car, crazy. 200 pesos later. Ridiculous. I was like bueno. Where are these people, I called Hermana Inga, who called the zone leader, who didn't answer, then the district leader, who called Hermana Lideres, then she called the presidentes assistant, who called Hermana Lideres, who called the taxi drivers cellphone, it was crazy.
Haha but i made it! Safe and sound. I hope everything is well back home. I miss you guys a ton ton ton. Love you so much. 

Hermana Miller


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