Monday 2 June 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014 - 5 months today!!


Well this week was such fun....not. Probably one of the harder weeks here I'd say. So this week started off with my companion having pain in her leg again, but it was a lot of pain. She couldn't leave the pension for 2 days. So I got to do intercambios with a member and a member stayed with her for a couple hours those 2 days.

I was with Hermana Angela Cordeva! Seriously love her! She's like my sister haha her and her sister Lorena! Angela also served a mission so I learnt a lot from her! She served in Buenos Aires south, where Baylee has her mission call! Tight eh.

When I was with Angela all of our plans bailed so we just contacted, es la peor. Haha but we found a new investigator, I invited her to be baptized and she wants to be baptized and it's awesome! It felt so good! I felt like a missionary! Like I can do missionary things!!!

Also we changed our pension this week! That was fun...hah. But seriously our new pension is so nice. I actually had a shower longer than 5 minutes because it wasn't totally disgusting!!!!!!! LOL

But really this week has been hard. We've dropped a lot of our investigators because they're just not progressing. Which sucks! I felt like I was breaking up with my boyfriend or something!!!!! It was sad. To care so much for someone and want them to have the gospel, but when they're not completing your compromisos. It's hard to give them your time when there are others who need the gospel! Jorge is one of them. We told him that he needs to find the desire to read and pray to be baptized, and that we can't always teach him. That we aren't here to be his friends, we're here to invite people to come unto Christ. So we'll see where things go with him, because he's always at the church and everything!

Also familia Melo (the awesome family that let me skype in their home) they got really offended at church and decided they don't want to go to church anymore. I legit bawled in their house. Quite embarrassing, but when the mom is crying and the dad has tears in his eyes it's kinda hard not to cry. Seriously care so much for this family! We go to their house quite often, they just remind us of our families and they need the help and love from the missionaries. But I've never prayed so hard to have help on what to say. It was so heartbreaking. I only pray that they will be forgiving and find the joy that comes from attending church.

This week also has been hard, because we just don't have any investigators. Which sucks. It's so hard to find and teach people, when we can't leave the pension, when we walk slow, when people slam doors in our face. Seriously so hard this week. But heck it's the mission. Our purpose here is only to invite those to come unto Christ. We can't force people to join the church. Only to invite and if they don't accept there's nothing we can do. It's sad how people don't care about God or Christ. Seriously I've been thinking a lot of how some people on earth seriously don't understand their purpose here. What a blessing we have in our lives to know and understand our purpose here on earth. That we can receive uncountable blessings because of our faith.

This gospel seriously is so amazing! I think it's something that we take for granted a lot of the time. I know I did. I rarely attended all the church meetings and definitely didn't have a good attitude about always attending. But sacrament meeting and all the classes are a huge blessing.

I miss church back home! Appreciate those little things! How kids don't run up and down the church stand, or how the chapel always has water, none the less, hot water. Or how we have a beautiful capilla with carpet and cleaning supplies. I encourage you all to have the desire to go to church with a good attitude, and an attitude to feel the spirit in your lives, and to learn a lot. You can learn so much in church it's crayyyy. I also encourage you all to understand and think about why we take the la santa cena! the sacrament.

Love you all! Hope everything is so good back home! Miss you guys like cray cray! Love you to the moon and back!

Hermana Miller

The new pension. It's bonita!

The picture with the family with the baby was a milagro (miracle) yesterday! She is a member inactivo and her husband solo (alone) supports her religion. They blessed the baby in church yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was at church and talked in fast and testimony meeting!!!!!!!!!! Wow! A milagro!!!!

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