Monday 9 June 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hola familia!!!!

Que rapido este semaña no!!!! Seriously so fast!!!!! This week was supes good though! But also really hard! We dropped basically all of our investigators! So that sucked. We have one solid investigator! He is 12 and so tight! He's the hermano of a miembro inactivo that we're working with! Marcela! I love her so much! She´s funny! When she found out there were transfers this week, YA TRANSFERS THIS WEEK! Freaking out, she's like pray and read the scriptures lots that you won't get transferred! because we taught her the importance of them both! hahaha so funny!!! 

The p-day pasado was so much fun!!!!!!!! We went to Gomez where this family lives and had a time! They had steak and like every other kind of meat! It was delicious! We all ate so much! Then we took a camión to this place to play fútbol and it was so much fun!! It was the first time I played real fútbol here! It was awesome! =) Then we went back and ate some more, heated up the meat, ate some more. Sinned a little because the TV was on and listened to some beats! haha probably the best p-day here!

Ok also as missionaries we're teaching the importancia about family search. (sorry i can't speak english very well i think) anyway seriously I have so much done on family search, it's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who did it all!??? Pictures and everything! It's amazing! Seriously a huge blessing! Also question for Grandma Miller! How did your family get to Canada??? And how did you become a member! I want the conversion story =) I want Grandma Bourne's too!!

Ok what else. Mom I got your package! The hymnbook! Whoooo finally! =) Gracias! 

Ok the story of my bruise. My fall. The worst. So we were doing the church. I was putting away the tables, like lifting them on top of the other, because I'm strong and can do that stuff ya. I lifted the last one... it wasn't put together and when I tipped it on the side, the wood part came off, pushed the metal structure over and knocked my feet out. I couldn't even break my fall, it was so hard, my watch snapped, I thought I broke my back for a second ahahha. Ok not really but really. Then I bawled, I tried to play it tuff, but it actually hurt so bad. Hermanas went and bought ice and I sat in the bathroom, with Hermana Villalobas who was trying not to faint because she can't see people in pain. When they got back with the ice, they said we're going to the hospital. I'm like what? It's a bruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They had called Hermana Ehmke, she's the nurse in Neuquén, she thought I might have internal bleeding. hahahahaha My companion called a taxi and we went the the clinic, it was a lot of pesos and  I'm like no so we left and everything is good. Besides I feel like I ran into a tree and have a bruise the size of my head. haha, stories to tell! 

Anyway that's my life this week! I think the 5 million pictures I sent can tell more! Haha love you guys so much! Have a good week! =)

Love Hermana Miller

My life this week. Supes eventful, eh!!!! 
All the photos with the leaves and cute stuff is in the frontera. It's a 30 minute bus ride to this area and there's only about 10 houses. The day we went, no one was home so we ended up just taking a bunch of pictures! hahaha


Also there with Angela Cordoba, she's awesome. Served a mission and 
knows a lot! She accompanies us a lot! Love her like a sister!

The mission allows bikes now, so we've had fun with them this week! haha little did we know we needed helmets, but we found some supes dorky ones. It's so embarrassing! lol but way more convenient!!!!

That's my bruise.  Don't worry grandma I've been putting master key on it every hour haha!!

Familia Melo! Love this family so much! We had a Noche de Hogar (FHE) in their house yesterday  The kids are crazzyyyy! Hermano Melo was having fun with my camera and snapped the one of the fish. es copado! ahha 

My super awesome fun p-day

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