Monday 22 December 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014


Primero, "FELIZ NAVIDAD A TODO"!! Can't believe it's Christmas already, how fast has this year gone by. It's so crazy. So excited to see you all this Christmas!! It's going to be so awesome.

This week was kinda weird, haha I'll just tell you the funny things that happened because it wasn't too crazy spiritual miracle stuff.

So we went to go buy groceries and this guy in the market came up to us and said "You look like really good, nice people." We said thanks, then we gave him a card, and said "maybe one day we can stop by and teach you." He said, "ya you can teach me and I'll teach you karate." I guess he's like some karate guy hahahahaha so funny.

Then the next day we're walking home and this guy, an old guy with a moustache comes up to us and starts hugging my companion and asks "why are you guys so white?" Haha "well, we're not from here!" He says, "oh you're cute." Pointing to me, "you're more brown, we like brown." Then he starts kissing my companions head, then he comes and kisses my face and then my hand. When we left he kissed us again. Seriously I got kissed like 3 times. It's so weird. He wasn't gross, just an old man who was so shocked to see 2 white people here. He's like hermosa, que linda. Haha so weird.

I did remember something cool that happened this week. We were in central shopping and we were walking through the park and on the corner this girl was painting, she's also selling bracelets and writes on rice. Really cool stuff so we go and talk to her at the same time we run into the Elders. We start talking and she knew our church without even looking at our name tags, then she started talking about how she went to our church in San Juan, I think. Then we found out she was baptized and that her whole family was baptized, and that her brother served a mission!!! So cool! She's so tight, half of her head is shaved and she's got dreads. We gave her a Christmas card, el es la dadiva. She put it on her stand where she was selling stuff. It was so cute. She said she didn't want to come back to church but that we could pass by and share a message with her. So we'll see what we can do to get her back to church and active again. She has 3 little kids. So cute. Pretty cool eh!

Also we found an old investigator this week, and we met her boyfriend. We found out he is in LOVE with Canada, it's so funny. He just has so many desires to go to Canada. It's so cute, he's 17 and is just I love Canada. He's totally read and done some research and everything. He told us we needed to bring pictures and all that. So if you have any cool pics of Canada, send them porfavor, like maybe Waterton or something. Anyway, they're going to come to church next Sunday. They have a lot of potential!! They're awesome.

So that's my week. I'll be seeing you guys soooooooooooon!
Love you so much!!!
Love Kenzie =) besito
Whoops, I mean
Love Hermana Miller

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